ČARNOGURSKÁ, M.: Tradičné filozoficko-svetonázorové orientácie čínskej „Ríše Stredu“ a ich dnešné geopolitické vyústenie / A Traditional Philosophical and World-View Orientations of the Chinese “Empire of the Middle“ and its Present Geopolitical Opening
Philosophica Critica, vol. 5, 2019, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 3-11
Publication date: June 15, 2019
Abstract: Nowadays, when China (in its 40th anniversary since its zero economic status at the end of its „cultural revolution“) has become the second strongest world power that, in the coming decades, would change global situation by its fundamental economic, political and military dominance in the world, which goes beyond any of our present ideas, this paper attempts a philosophical-political analysis of all the Chinese specifics from the ancient roots of its origin through its past development following up to the present, which have made its essential background to mold it into the current forms of its geopolitical structure. For this reason, Chinese development cannot be ignored by us; it is important to recognize it and without any ignorance rightly to acknowledge it and to learn from it.
Key words: Geopolitical uniqueness of China – Political philosophy of Cchin She huangdi – Mao Cetong – Xi Jinping – One Bell – One Road
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.5.1.3-14
Key words: Geopolitical uniqueness of China – Political philosophy of Cchin She huangdi – Mao Cetong – Xi Jinping – One Bell – One Road
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.5.1.3-14