BLAŠČÍKOVÁ, A.: Výchova k neľahostajnosti: Príspevok Zuzany Svobodovej k hľadaniu filozofických základov náboženskej výchovy / Education to Non-Indifference: Zuzana Svobodová‘s Contribution to the Search for Philosophical Foundations of Religious Education
Philosophica Critica, vol. 7, 2021, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 85-97
Publication date: June 15, 2021
Abstract: The study is an analysis of Zuzana Svobodová‘s book called Nelhostejnost. Črty k (ne)náboženské výchově (Praha: Mervart, 2005) with regard to its possible reference in the situation of searching for what it means to educate a contemporary in a religious way. The work follows the Czech school of philosophy of education, founded by Jan Patočka, for whom education is synonymous with care for the soul. On the one hand, Zuzana Svobodová seeks the contribution of the philosophical foundation of education for religious education, on the other hand, she points out that education itself is religious. Both of these aspects meet in the key concept of non-indifference, which Svobodová calls relating to the inaccessible basis of reality and the effort to become similar to the truth. The author of the study describes the concept of non-indifference (together with dialogue and reverence) as a solid philosophical basis not only for religious education, but also for the entire educational part of the state educational program entitled Man and the Values.
Keywords: Dialogue – Non-indifference – Reverence – Religious education – Philosophy
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.1.85-97
Keywords: Dialogue – Non-indifference – Reverence – Religious education – Philosophy
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.1.85-97