BUREŚ, O.: K antiimperiálnímu pojetí politiky a ekonomiky: od ekosociální krize ke globální budoucnosti
Philosophica Critica, vol. 9, 2023, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 36-44
Publication date: 2023
Abstract:At the root of modern society lies an imperial, expansive, and empowering tendency. In a situation where the growth capitalist economy, based on the imperial paradigm, is unable to address the climate crisis in a fair and sustainable way and is already directly confronting the biophysical limits of the planet, the very existence of civilisation is threatened. However, the pursuit of a new form of non-imperialist politics and economics faces a double threat: first, the creation of a strong authoritarian state, and second, the collapse into mutually hostile and isolated enclaves. The loss of the values of cooperation and solidarity increases the risk of a radically class-stratified world, but at the same time the development of knowledge, means of communication, and other technologies create at the institutional and individual level of the human being a consciousness of co-existence and co-responsibility not only with other human beings but increasingly also with other living creatures and the environment. The overcoming of imperial politics and the emergence of a new, anti-imperial conception of politics is a prerequisite for a dignified human future.
Keywords: Imperial Logic – Imperialism – Decolonization – Cosmopolitanism – Capitalism
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2023.9.1.36-44
Keywords: Imperial Logic – Imperialism – Decolonization – Cosmopolitanism – Capitalism
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2023.9.1.36-44