BUREŠ, O.: K reformulaci občanství a transnacionálníinstitucionalizaci v kosmopolitní situaci / Towards a Reformulation of Citizenship and TransnationalInstitutionalization in a Cosmopolitan Situation
Philosophica Critica, vol. 5, 2019, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 57-64
Publication date: December 15, 2019
Abstract: The formal approach of current politics and law, limited by the assumption of a territorial state as a fundamental political unit, fails with regard to global social and environmental injustices. While capital accumulation takes place transnationally, social solidarity and democracy, but also their theoretical understanding, are limited by national borders that compete with each other. The consequence of the democratic limits of nation states within global capitalism is that they cannot ensure the fulfillment of the human rights,because poverty and hunger are not given by national borders and must therefore be addressed transnationally. I argue that an adequate response is based on overcoming methodological nationalism and it should allow thinking and creating cosmopolitan order towards institutionalizing transnational regulatory bodies capable of adequately managing global risks. Within this framework, I try to briefly answer questions about the possibilities of reformulating the concept of citizenship, how could bodies for cosmopolitan social and environmental justice be institutionalized, and how to prevent it from being merely formal and falsely universalistic.
Key words: Cosmopolitanism – Citizenship – Global Social and Environmental Justice – Democracy – Nation-State – Methodological Nationalism – Universalism
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.5.2.57-64
Key words: Cosmopolitanism – Citizenship – Global Social and Environmental Justice – Democracy – Nation-State – Methodological Nationalism – Universalism
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.5.2.57-64