HESOVÁ, Z.: Odpovědi na šíření koronaviru v islámském světě a boj o veřejnou racionalitu / Responses to the Corona Pandemic in the Muslim World and Struggle for a Public Rationality
Philosophica Critica, vol. 6, 2020, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 150-160
Publication date: June 15, 2020
Abstract: If the Islamic world was stricken by the pandemic later than Asia and Europe, the responses are very similar to those of European and Asian states. A specificity of the Muslim world is the reaction of Islamic institutions. First, because of the danger of mass public gatherings, and secondly because of the legitimation role Islamic institutions play for many states in the Muslim world who dispose of a weaker infrastructural power or public or feeble public trust. If most religious institutions have responded in a supportive way and limited public rituals, the pandemics shifts power relations between state and religion and also alters the perceived superior kind of public rationality. The article offers a short overview on the state of the pandemics, the responses to it and discusses the political and discursive effects it may have.
Key words: Corona virus – Pandemics – Muslim Word – Islam – Islamic autority – Secularisation – Public rationality
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2020.6.1.150-160
Key words: Corona virus – Pandemics – Muslim Word – Islam – Islamic autority – Secularisation – Public rationality
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2020.6.1.150-160