JUROVÁ, J.: K možnému vplyvu Rawlsových raných teologických úvah na jeho morálnu, sociálnu a politickú filozofiu / On Possible Influence of Rawls’s Early Theological Convictions on His Moral, Social and Political Philosophy
Philosophica Critica, vol. 4, 2018, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 33–41
Publication date: December 15, 2018
Abstract: The paper deals with the early work of John Rawls, in which the phi-losopher presents his early attitudes to religion. Rawls’s religious belief of the period of his university studies and its subsequent chan-ge – especially under the influence of a strong personal experience of the Second World War – have significantly influenced his later con-viction that religion and politics must be necessarily separated. Ho-wever, Rawls’s moral, social and political philosophy is not a com-plete denial of his initial theological views. On the basis present in Rawls’s theological work, the author of the paper attempts to identify possible implycations of philosopher’s early religious convictions for his later philosophical work. At the same time, she draws attention to obvious discontinuity that can be observed in several aspects of Rawls’s theo-logically oriented diploma thesis and his later philoso-phical works.
Key words: Morality – Personality – Moral community – Society as a contract – Inequality – Merit – Social justice
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.4.2.33-41
Key words: Morality – Personality – Moral community – Society as a contract – Inequality – Merit – Social justice
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.4.2.33-41