KREUZZIEGER, M. – HRUBEC, M.: Od pandemie k revitalizaci: čínská zkušenost s koronavirem a globální iniciativy / From the Pandemic to Revitalization. The Chinese Experience with Coronavirus and Global Initiatives
Philosophica Critica, vol. 6, 2020, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 103-117
Publication date: June 15, 2020
Abstract: The article deals with the Chinese experience with the contemporary pandemic in relation to relevant social and political issues. It addresses how China went from struggles against coronavirus (and related COVID-19) to a gradual revitalization of its economy and society after the (first) wave of the coronavirus. It analyses seven aspects of this issue. First, an identification of coronavirus and anti- virus measures applied by the government. Second, the spreading of the epidemic. Third, an ideological war in the world of multiple modernities. Fourth, a transition from the standstill of economy to its revitalization. Fifth, the historical Silk Road and its modernization. Sixth, the global Belt and Road Initiative and scenarios of future development. Seventh, the 17+1 Cooperation of China with Central and Eastern European countries.
Key words: China – Chinese – Pandemic – Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Global – Belt and Road
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2020.6.1.103-117
Key words: China – Chinese – Pandemic – Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Global – Belt and Road
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2020.6.1.103-117