MRAVCOVÁ, A.: Global Citizenship Education in the Current Era of Migration Crisis and Growing National Values
Philosophica Critica, vol. 3, 2017, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 17–28
Publication date: June 15, 2017
Global citizenship represents still more important and rapidly emerging phenomenon, acting mainly in the context of global educa-tion as one of its most important pillars. This entire system has been rising mainly in the context of deepening world globalization and still more intensive global problems, which require global know-ledge and solutions on a global level. The popularity and relevance of this new approach have begun to grow and gain still bigger im-portance during last years and the emphasis has been still more placed on the education of global citizens. However, there are also contradictory feelings and moods, resulting from the fear and from the global threat of terrorism, which afforce national feelings and the need to protect mainly what is one’s “own”, in many people. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to specify the concept of citi-zenship, as well as to analyse the global citizenship phenomenon and define its importance in the current global society. On the basis of synthesis of received knowledge the paper will explore possible negative impacts or threat of global citizenship to the national iden-tity or affiliation to particular national entity in the current era of migration crisis and growing national values.
Key words: Global citizenship – Global education – National citizenship – Migration crisis
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.3.1.17-28
Key words: Global citizenship – Global education – National citizenship – Migration crisis
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.3.1.17-28