NOVÁK, A.: Enthusiasmus, imaginace, intuice:stupně poznávání u mladého Descartesa / Enthusiasm, Imagination, Intuition:Layers of Cognitive Powers by Young Descartes
Philosophica Critica, vol. 5, 2019, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 21-29
Publication date: December 15, 2019
Abstract: There are three dreams of the St Martin’s night from November 10th to November 11th 1618 at the very beginning of Descartes’ philosophical career, in which he received an epiphany of the so called mirabilis scientiæ fundamenta (i.e. the fundaments of wonderful science). It’s possible to track the layers of cognitive powers from which emerges a quite surprising role of both imagination and intuition,which provide the solid base for the smooth operating of the reason or intellect whose significance is kind of limited. The solely historical paper focuses on the demonstration of Descartes’ early conception of the mentioned cognitive powers as it was achieved extensively in Aleš Novák’s book Zázračná věda: Filosofie René Descarta 1618-1620.
Key words: Descartes – Imagination – Intuition – Enthusiasm –Dreams – Truth – Intellect
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.5.2.21-29
Key words: Descartes – Imagination – Intuition – Enthusiasm –Dreams – Truth – Intellect
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.5.2.21-29