PIAČEK, J.: Život ako apeiron umenia. Pamiatke Jána Albrechta (1919-1996) / Life as an Apeiron of Art. To the Memory of Ján Albrecht (1919–1996)
Philosophica Critica, vol. 2, 2016, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 117–128
Publication date: December 15, 2016
Abstract: The present essay attempts to identify a philosophical framework, in which Ján Albrecht studied art. Central to his philosophy of art is the life. In the foundations of the Albrecht's structuralist concept of art lies the category of life. The core of the study consists of the reconstruction of the Albrecht's commitment of the major structural constituents of the art's essence. In the optics of Albrecht's philosophy is art a joyful combination of creativity and life. Presented essay is an intimate philosophical dialogue with a Master and friend who is still alive for the author.
Key words: Ján Albrecht – Life – Structuralist philosophy of art – Source of creativity – Cottidianistics – Slovak philosophy
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.2.2.117-128
Key words: Ján Albrecht – Life – Structuralist philosophy of art – Source of creativity – Cottidianistics – Slovak philosophy
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.2.2.117-128