Turčan, C: Individuálna sloboda a všeobecná vôľa – Rousseauov model participatívnej politiky/ Individual Freedom and the General Will – Rousseau´s Model of Participatory Politics
Philosophica Critica, vol. 8, 2022, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 26-38.
Publication date: December 15, 2022
Abstract: The article examines Rousseau’s theory of the general will as a certain model of participatory politics aimed at the active involvement of citizens in the collective formation of the public sphere. The study points out that the normative basis of this political theory is Rousseau’s reflexive concept of individual freedom as self-determination, and its own goal is then to formulate the necessary social conditions needed for the successful fulfillment of individual freedom. From the perspective of this relationship, the purpose of the article is to point out the inherent assumptions, limitations and criticism of the researched theory
Keywords: Rousseau – General Will – Freedom – Self-determination– Dominance – Politics
Keywords: Rousseau – General Will – Freedom – Self-determination– Dominance – Politics