XIAOPING, W.: Regarding Two Abstract Principles of Distributive Justice. A Problem Dealing with Socialist Transformation
Philosophica Critica, vol. 3, 2017, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 3–14
Publication date: December 15, 2017
Distributive justice includes two different principles: justice of re-muneration and justice of equality. Justice of remuneration is based on the link between individual contributions and rewards, while justice of equality is based on satisfying the basic needs of indivi-duals regardless of their contribution, which, if understood from the perspective of justice of remuneration, means justice beyond remu-neration or adjusted justice. In light of the former, Marx’s criticism of young Hegelians’ radically critical theories and his criticism of na-tional economics were not targeted at abstract principles but at de-monstrating that in real capitalist economic relations, abstract prin-ciples move toward their opposites. In light of the latter, Marx in his late years discussed theoretically the transition from the first prin-ciple to the second one with changes in production relations and the development of productivity. However, the actual situation is more complicated. China’s socialism and its reform practices create many theoretically difficult issues at the level of reality. Paper attempts to discuss different issues revealed by these two principles in different economic relations from the two aspects of abstract principles and actual practice, and demonstrate the modern value of Marxist politi-co-philosophical thought.
Key words: Distributive justice – Justice of remuneration – Justice of equality
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.3.2.3-14
Key words: Distributive justice – Justice of remuneration – Justice of equality
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.3.2.3-14