ZOZUĽAKOVÁ, V.: Degrowth – koncepcia udržateľného znižovania rastu / Concept of Sustainable Degrowth
Philosophica Critica, vol. 2, 2016, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 33-46
Publication date: December 15, 2016
Abstract: Social conflicts often result from economic inequality. There are many claims to transition from unsustainable to sustainable society. The paper focuses on degrowth concept, which is one of the most discussed concepts and describes its sources including Castoriadis philosophy of autonomy. It pays attention to the pathway to sustainable future that can be achieved by democratic and redistributive downscaling as it is presented by J. Martinez-Alier, G. Kallis and F. Schneider. The concept of degrowth is a response to capitalist society of perpetual growth. G. Kallis indicates that degrowth is not only a structural concept, but a radical political project of building a society that lives better with less. J. van de Bergh and T. Fotopoulos critically comment the prosperous way down.
Key words: Degrowth – Freedom – Capitalism – Modern society – Agrowth
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.2.2.33-46
Key words: Degrowth – Freedom – Capitalism – Modern society – Agrowth
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.2.2.33-46