Philosophica Critica, roč. 3, 2017, č. 2 |
Philosophica Critica, vol. 3, 2017, no. 2 |
XIAOPING, W.: Regarding Two Abstract Principles
of Distributive Justice. A Problem Dealing with Socialist Transformation |
SKAČAN, J.: Kritická analýza mediálneho diskurzu:
islam, džihád a islamofóbia |
SKAČAN, J.: Critical Analysis of Media Discourse:
Islam, Jihad and Islamophobia |
VRBATA, A.: Primacy of the Image.
From Einbildungskraft to Mythological |
VRBATA, A.: Primacy of the Image.
From Einbildungskraft to Mythological |
PARISI, E. M.: Toward a Better Understanding of the Egalitarian Agenda. Is there a Tension between Relational Equality and Egalitarian Rules of Distribution?
PARISI, E. M.: Toward a Better Understanding of the Egalitarian Agenda. Is there a Tension between Relational Equality and Egalitarian Rules of Distribution?
XIAOPING, W.: Zásadní procesy a klíčové problémy čínské socialistické reformy
XIAOPING, W.: Essential Processes and Key Problems
of Chinese Socialists Reforms |
MANDA, V.: Wei Xiaoping: Ekonomická a politická
transformace Číny: nové rozbory |
MANDA, V.: Wei Xiaoping: Economic and Polical Transformation of China: New Analyses
DUNAJ, Ľ.: Ondřej Lánsky : Je třeba zavrhnout liberalizmus?
K jednomu problému modernity |
DUNAJ, Ľ.: Ondřej Lánsky : Is There a Need to Condemn Liberalism? Towards One Problem of Modernity