FUNDA, O. A.: Racionalita a existence / Rationality and Existence
Philosophica Critica, vol. 1, 2015, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 53–82
Publication date: December 15, 2015
Abstract: In between existence and rationality one finds the story of human life and historically situated action. Various models of philosophy of human existence refuse to explain the man as a product of determinated natural, material organising processes. They rather accentuate human individuality, subjectivity, freedom, asking for the meaning and being itself. The critical rationalism, represented by names of K. R. Popper and H. Albert, accentuates fallibilism of all human knowledge and action. It claims a consistency of rational discourse as well as of ways to solve problems and to decide about moral norms. It refuses all forms of historism, messianism of the final meaning and fulfilment of the human history. The critical rationalism is not only epistemology but also a methodology of human action, life and dying.
Key words: Existence – Humanist atheism – Human self-transcendence – Critical rationalism – Fallibilism
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.1.2.53-82
Key words: Existence – Humanist atheism – Human self-transcendence – Critical rationalism – Fallibilism
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.1.2.53-82