Horyna, B.: Filosofie a obraz světa: k dějinám jedné metafory
López-Astorga, M.: Positions of Words and Logical Forms
(v angličtine) Jedličková, L.: Jak (ne)myslet svět.
K etickým aspektům Finkovy kosmologie Marchevský, O.: P. N. Tkačov a V . I. Lenin.
Učiteľ a žiak z pohľadu súčasných interpretácií Recenzie
Mitterpach, K.: PAVO LABUDA: Aristotelova teória jazyka
Otakar A. Funda: Glosy – Fragmenty
Emmanuel Mounier: OEuvres complètes |
Horyna, B.: Philosophy and the Image of the World.
Towards the History of a Metaphor (in Czech) López-Astorga, M.: Positions of Words and Logical Forms
Jedličková, L.: How to (not) Think the World.
On the Ethical Aspects of Fink‘s Cosmology (in Czech) Marchevský, O.: P. N. Tkačov a V . I. Lenin.
P. N. Tkachow and V. I. Lenin. The Teacher and His Student from the Point of View of Contemporary Interpretation (in Slovak) Reviews
Mitterpach, K.: PAVO LABUDA: Aristotle´s Theory of Language
(in Slovak) Notations
Otakar A. Funda: Glosses – Fragments
(in Slovak) Emmanuel Mounier: Complete Works (in Slovak) |