MANDA, V.: Model osoby vo filozofii J. Locka / Model of Person in J. Locke’s Philosophy
Philosophica Critica, vol. 4, 2018, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 35–42
Publication date: June 15, 2018
Abstract: John Locke is in philosophy, among other things, the initiator of a new perspective on the problems associated with the understanding of the personality of man. The literature focuses primarily on his theory of person’s identity, and less attention is paid to the so-called non-substantive ground of a person. Locke, in his views on the person, casts doubt on the traditionally emphasized decisive role of the “spi-rit” substance for the person. Therefore, if a person is not determined by the spirit, what or who is the main determinant of the human’s person? From the superficial reading of Locke, it would seem that the essential foundation of a human being is his memory. It is staying without the attention that behind the memory of the person stands his conscious and voluntary activity, which is reflected in his memo-ry. On this base we could say that Locke is the first philosopher who, though indirectly, said that a person is a product of purposeful hu-man’s activity.
Key words: Human Being – Person – Material Substance – Spirit Substance – Consciousness – Memory
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.4.1.35-42
Key words: Human Being – Person – Material Substance – Spirit Substance – Consciousness – Memory
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2019.4.1.35-42