PETRUCIJOVÁ, J. – FEBER, J.: Etika vědy v kontextu institucionalizace vědeckého poznání / The Ethics of Science in Context of Institutionalization of the Scientific Knowledge
Philosophica Critica, vol. 7, 2021, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 48-62
Publication date: June 15, 2021
Abstract: The study is devoted to issues of ethics of science as a normative theory. Based on the reflection of the morality of science, it formulates and justifies the moral norms by which scientific knowledge should be guided. Moral norms are divided into three groups: general moral norms applied to the field of science, special norms valid only in the field of science, and moral norms specific to a certain field. The authors define the moral responsibility of the individual scientist and point out the danger of the so-called banal evil, which arises when heteronomous applied ethics is abstracted from the general moral space. The authors argue that the heteronomous morality of science, which is oriented towards the fulfillment of the purpose of scientific knowledge, should be subordinated to an autonomous morality, which is not oriented towards a partial purpose, but towards the value of the general moral good.
Keywords: Ethics of science – Heteronomous morality – Autonomous morality – Moral norms – Institutionalization of science – Moral responsibility
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.1.48-62
Keywords: Ethics of science – Heteronomous morality – Autonomous morality – Moral norms – Institutionalization of science – Moral responsibility
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.1.48-62