SIVÁK, J.: K Husserlovmu intuicionizmu: Imaginácia, signifikácia a "transcendentálna fantasia" / Towards Husserlian Intuitionism: Imagination, Signification and „transcendental fantasia“
Philosophica Critica, vol. 7, 2021, no. 1, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 2-33
Publication date: June 15, 2021
Abstract: To the imagination, which has already played a key role in the process of abstraction, in the theory of signification, in the constitution of time, intersubjectivity, and also fiction in general, Husserl returns in the posthumously published vol. XXIII of Husserliana, dedicated to the theory of «intuitive presentifications». A theory based on fantasia, close to the imagination, more precisely, on double consciousness-image: an appearing object-image (Bildobjekt) on the one hand and an intended but absent subjet-image (Bildsujet) on the other hand, reflecting the noetic-noematic structure. These phenomena of fantasia have the multifaceted character of an „unspeakable emptiness“, with vague, discontinuous contours emerging momentarily, which represents a certain novelty in relation to tradition and which inspired Marc Richir to re-establish phenomenology based on „transcendental fantasia“. At the same time, and without speaking of a new phenomenology, Husserl continues the „noematic turn“, having started in Logical Investigations and bringing fantasia to incarnation and moving to „perceptive fantasia,“ the core of phenomenology aesthetics of theatrical, narrative, and fine arts.
Keywords: Contemporary Phenomenology – Intuitionism – Signification – Imagination-Fantasia – Noematics – Edmund Husserl
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.1.2-33
Keywords: Contemporary Phenomenology – Intuitionism – Signification – Imagination-Fantasia – Noematics – Edmund Husserl
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.1.2-33