SVOBODA, J.: K Masarykovským reminiscencím Karla Hrubého. Specifika Masarykova synergismu, kritika marxismu a strukturalistická demokracie Josefa Ludvíka Fischera / On Masarykian Reminiscences of Karel Hrubý: the Specifics of Masaryk’s Synergism, the Critique of Marxism
and the Structualist Democracy of Josef Ludvík Fischer
Philosophica Critica, vol. 7, 2021, no. 2, ISSN 1339-8970, pp. 17-40
Publication date: December 15, 2021
Abstract: During the 1990s, Karel Hrubý reasonably reflected on the meaningfulness, but also on the philosophical and sociological impact of Masaryk‘s socially oriented legacy. Hrubý sees the qualitative continuity of our traditional ideological heritage, which is also a very important political heritage, mainly in the idea of so-called democratic socialism, which as a permanent task, after a historical confrontation with revolutionary Marxism-Leninism, programmatically set the Godesberg program in 1959. In the first step, the paper focuses on Masaryk‘s originally elaborated philosophy of humanism, on its social as well as metaphysical character, the functional essence of which Masaryk conceives as a theistically based synergism. Especially in the social context, which is always determined by a consistent effort for a close and effective connection between theory and practice, Masaryk‘s philosophy of humanity can generally be considered the ideological foundation of rational critique of the social conditions of the time, and therefore the cornerstone of Masaryk‘s critique of Karl Marx. After marking the fundamental ideological differences in the sociological concepts of Masaryk and Marx, the paper will in the next step focus on the concept of structuralist philosophy of Josef Ludvík Fischer, which in economic terms of its holistic composition can be considered as an original attempt to create a functional democracy with all attributes characteristic of the socialist system. At the end of the article, in substantial connection with Masaryk‘s and Fischer‘s thinking, Hrubý‘s own 18 Jan Svoboda vision of the continuity of Czech history will be indicated, which is currently associated with some existential global humanitarian challenges. Their urgent solution in the 21st century cannot be achieved without the active participation and opinion plurality of individual nation-states and, therefore, requires a cultivated and intensively conducted intercultural dialogue.
Keywords: Critique of Marxism – Democratic socialism – Theistic synergism – Structuralist democracy – Intercultural dialogue – Hrubý, K. – Masaryk, T. G. – Fischer, J. L.
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.2.17-40
Keywords: Critique of Marxism – Democratic socialism – Theistic synergism – Structuralist democracy – Intercultural dialogue – Hrubý, K. – Masaryk, T. G. – Fischer, J. L.
DOI: 10.17846/PC.2021.7.2.17-40